Our third cat, Haru, was a surprise visitor to our backyard when we first moved to this rural area.
Her big greenish twinkling eyes caught our attention immediately. After a few days of letting her roam around the yard, we decided to keep an eye on her by setting up some outdoor cameras.

Haru wasn’t afraid of people; she was only interested in food. One day, we easily lured her onto our balcony with a bowl full of dry kibble placed right by the back door. Without any hesitation, she walked right into the house, completely focused on the food. At that moment, we gently picked her up and placed her in an isolated room with some food, water, and a litter box. She was small but not tiny, about 8 weeks old when we first brought her in.

The next day, we took her to the vet for a health check-up and her first vaccinations. She wasn’t worried at all, just curious about everything around her. After three weeks of isolation, she finally met our two older cats. Luffy wasn’t fond of her presence for about three months, but with enough space, they managed to keep their distance. Bory, on the other hand, was curious but indifferent at first. After a few days, he became a caring big brother, licking her and playing with her all day long.

This little baby quickly became the most charming cat we’ve ever met. She loves sleeping with us and during the day, she stays on my lap while I work—until I have to get up, of course. At night, she waits for me to lie down first. When I’m about to fall asleep, she walks towards my face, waiting for me to spread one of my arms. Then, she rests her head on my arm, I cover her with a blanket, and we both drift off to sleep. My husband gets very jealous of this because he fidgets a lot, while I stay still, making her prefer my more stable sleeping habits.
Feeding Haru was a bit challenging at first. We have three separate bowls for each cat, but Haru had trouble remembering which one was hers. She would shoulder-bump Bory to steal his food, so we had to put her in a separate room for a few days until she understood that there’s a specific time and place for feeding. Eventually, she got the hang of it, and peace was restored.

She finally got her name a couple of months after we started calling her. Now, when we call “Haru~,” she replies with a short “meow” and walks toward us with her tail straight up in the air. This little one sometimes tries to sneak human food, and we do our best to keep her from getting any. It’s a daily tug-of-war. Once, she managed to grab a chicken leg and run under the bed to eat it. I caught her just in time, but I can’t forget her expression of disappointment.
Haru is a delightful addition to our family. She constantly makes us smile with her cute tail wags and lovely expressions.
some of her live cuteness available here: https://youtube.com/@orealhnb
Haru is a delightful addition to our family. She constantly makes us smile with her cute tail wags and lovely expressions.