I found this orchid on sale for $9 in March. It had only one small flower and looked quite unattractive, so people weren’t interested in it and left it sitting in a corner of a Home Depot flower shop. I’d been wanting to try growing an orchid in water for a long time, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.
After doing some research, I found a method that seemed to work well without any soil. Here’s the process I followed:
- On the first day, remove all the soil and dirt from the roots by rinsing thoroughly. Trim off any dead, dried, or rotten roots.
- Place the orchid in a container full of water, ensuring the water level is just below the lowest leaf. Leave it for 30 minutes.
- Drain the water until it touches half the root length and leave it for an hour.
- Finally, drain the water until only 2 cm of water remains, just barely soaking the root tips.

Start this cycle on a Saturday to keep it simple and easy to remember:
- Saturday: Empty the water and let the roots dry until Sunday.
- Monday: Repeat the process of dunking the orchid in water up to the lowest leaf for 30 minutes, then let the water cover half the roots for an hour, and finally leave 2 cm of water until Friday.
I’ve been following this routine for two months now, and I’m seeing new buds sprouting from the main stem and even from one of the roots. I’ll share more updates as time goes by. I’m so excited to see how well it does in just water!